Good Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, can help boost your website traffic, build brand awareness, and get more prospective students interested in your business school.
SEO Update: Is Your B-School Website Ready for Google’s New Algorithm?
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing
Alumni Perspectives on the Value of Graduate Management Education
Nine in ten alumni report a positive return-on-investment (ROI) from their graduate business education, according to the 4,658 respondents to the recent GMAC survey snapshot. A Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 30 shows that most alumni are likely to recommend their graduate business school to a friend or colleague. This data indicates that the value proposition of a graduate management education is strong; alumni report a high level of satisfaction with their educational outcomes, in line with their career ambitions.
Topics: Research Insights
How Chinese Candidates are Shifting their Preferences for Pursuing Graduate Management Education
The roll-out of the vaccines in 2021, especially in the leading destinations of international students such as the United States and the United Kingdom, is renewing prospects of international student mobility. A snapshot poll conducted in March compares how Chinese prospective students are making decisions about pursuing graduate management education (GME) compared to August 2020.
Topics: Viewpoints
Graduate Management Admission Council Welcomes New Members to the Board
Topics: GMAC News
New Research on Hiring Trends and Salary Projections for Business School Graduates
Nine in ten corporate recruiters expect the demand for business school graduates to increase or remain stable in the next five years, according to the 2021 Corporate Recruiters Survey. This annual GMAC survey provides vital data for employers and business schools in understanding trends and insights about hiring, salaries, and skills for MBA and business master’s graduates.
Topics: Employment Outlook, Research Insights
The GMAT Exam: Designed and Developed to Be Fair and Unbiased
Graduate schools of business use a variety of admissions criteria to evaluate prospective students for enrollment. Among them, the Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) score is one of few data points by which all applicants’ skills and potential classroom success can be directly compared on the same scale.
Topics: GMAC News
GMAC Welcomes Top Latin American Business School as Its Newest Member
Topics: GMAC News
How Prospective Students Perceive the Value of Admissions Tests
A new GMAC survey snapshot of nearly 1,800 respondents shows that more than half of prospective students believe that admissions exams improve reliability, fairness, and transparency in evaluating graduate business school candidates. The data collected through Prospective Students Survey also highlights the diversity of candidates as their perceptions vary by region of citizenship and by preferred study destination (domestic or international). This data addresses questions raised by schools in the Information Needs Survey released earlier this year. It also provides insights to inform schools as they shape their global recruitment strategy.
Topics: Prospective Students, Research Insights
Virtual Events: How to Elevate Your Business School Brand
With applications on the rise this past year, business schools should not lose sight of keeping their brand top of mind with potential candidates.
UK Business Schools Remain Attractive to Prospective International Students
International students comprise nearly two in three students enrolled in master’s level business programs at British business schools. As a result, Brexit uncertainties coupled with COVID-19 travel restrictions have been particularly severe for many business schools in the UK as international student mobility faced more disruption. Yet, data shows that demand for pursuing graduate business programs in the UK remains strong among international candidates.
Topics: Prospective Students, Application Trends, Research Insights