As online and part-time programs surge in popularity among candidates, business schools can better curate their unique value proposition to prospective students.
4 Ways To Capitalize on Growing Interest in Part-Time and Hybrid Business School
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, Research Insights, graduate management education, GME, MBA, candidate insights, candidate research, survey, research report
Maximize Engagement: Attract Gen Z Business Students With These 4 Strategies
As more Generation Z candidates enter the GME pipeline, admissions, recruitment, and admissions offices must adapt to the latest wants and needs of the candidates they hope to reach.
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, Research Insights, graduate management education, GME, MBA, candidate insights, candidate research, survey, research report
4 Tips From New Research and Industry Experts for Supporting Student Career Success
Based on responses from nearly 1,000 corporate recruiters and staffing firms around the world, GMAC’s Corporate Recruiters Survey provides the latest information about skill demand, hiring, compensation, and perceptions of MBA and business master’s graduates.
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, Research Insights, graduate management education, GME, MBA, candidate insights, candidate research, survey, research report
What GMAC's Annual Conference Revealed About the 8 Types of B-School Prospects
GMAC's latest segmentation study that features responses from 10,000 prospective student across 21 countries highlights motivations for graduate study, how they conduct their research, and the differing archetypes globally.
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, Research Insights, graduate management education, GME, MBA, candidate insights, candidate research, survey
3 Strategies Business Schools in China Are Utilizing To Attract Cross-Cultural Talent
Business schools in China are aiming to expand their global recruitment by leveraging economic trends, advancing cross-cultural awareness, and building stronger brands.
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, Research Insights, graduate management education, GME, MBA, candidate insights, candidate research, survey
4 New Facts About Business School Candidates in the AI and Social Impact Era
Based on results from more than 4,000 candidates from 132 countries, the latest GMAC Prospective Students Survey offers new insights into candidate expectations for artificial intelligence (AI) and social impact along with ongoing patterns in their modality preferences, mobility trends, and more.
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, Research Insights, graduate management education, Student Survey, GME, MBA, candidate insights, candidate research, survey, research library, alumni
As a Nigerian who was an MBA applicant and is now an admissions professional, I wear the hats of both the GME applicant and the admissions officer comfortably. Building on the tips from my January publication, this blog shares two more ways to help you increase your recruiting success in Africa.
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, graduate management education, GME, MBA, candidate insights
Flexibility, Social Impact Among Top Ways To Attract Women to Business School
In addition to the common skills and professional development that attract most candidates to business school, women have unique motivations and goals in their journeys to graduate management education (GME). While candidates are up against entrenched patterns of gender disparity in business and business education, schools are persistent in their objective to reach gender equity.
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, Application Trends, Research Insights, graduate management education, Student Survey, GME, MBA, candidate insights, candidate research, survey, research library, alumni
4 Research Insights To Boost Recruitment to Online Programs
Findings from across GMAC’s survey research program illuminate what GME candidates, current students, and employers think of online and hybrid programs—and how those perceptions translate to application trends.
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, Application Trends, Research Insights, graduate management education, Student Survey, GME, MBA, candidate insights, candidate research, survey, research library, alumni
2 Ways To Attract Business School Talent From Africa
There has been a real buzz about Africa in the last two decades in the global media. It is the fastest growing but least understood continent due to the complexity of data gathering in the region, amongst several other reasons. The graduate management education (GME) industry also struggles with inadequate insights on the continent. Schools are at a loss on how to recruit from the region, where to focus, how to analyze the risks, and how to select smartly and cost-effectively.
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, graduate management education, GME, MBA, candidate insights