Changing minds about b-school requires understanding and addressing concerns. Apply these four career-related insights to turn potentials into students.
How to Turn Doubters Into Graduate School Believers
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, Viewpoints
Impact of COVID-19 on Prospective Students Considering European Business Schools
European business schools have been a beneficiary of higher education reforms and the increasing pace of globalization. GMAT test-taker data shows sustained growth in the proportion of candidates considering pursuing graduate management education (GME) in Europe. As the impact of COVID-19 intensifies, how are prospective students adapting their choices, and what could be the implications for the communication strategies of European business schools?
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, Viewpoints, Research Insights
Decoding Money Hesitations: Why Undergraduates Really Say ‘No’ to Graduate School
Money concerns stop students entering b-school but can be addressed. Get 16 actionable tips to overcome the “too expensive” and “cannot afford” hurdles.
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, Viewpoints
Learn about the evolution of business master’s programs in Australia; covers education system features, explores critiques, and presents future outlook.
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, Viewpoints
Better Market Your Business Master’s Programs to Undergraduates (Now and After COVID-19)
Better market your master’s programs to undergrads with actionable tips spanning your website, collaboration, timing, influencers, and strategic messaging.
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, Viewpoints
President Trump’s Executive Order Another Blow to Business Schools
Topics: GMAC News
Bachelor’s to Business Master's: What Motivates Certain Students to Make the Leap?
Although the pandemic is impacting the plans of many students, their business school aspirations remain intact. This means that, while new considerations, such as the impact of the pandemic on job markets, come into play, the core motivations that drive undergraduates to pursue a business master’s degree remain largely the same.
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, Viewpoints
What an event! The 50th Annual Conference may have moved online but that did not stop 583 business school professionals, exhibitors, and GMAC staff from taking part in 6,784 learning opportunities. And with the event available online for a year, we expect to see that number increase as registered attendees can review the recordings of all 34 education sessions the global advisory committee helped craft (note: networking and social sessions were not recorded).
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, GMAC Events
The Virtual MBA Tour Is a Gamechanger for B-School Student Recruitment
GMAC is launching the first ever virtual MBA Tour this summer, and it’s poised to be a gamechanger for student recruitment.
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, GMAC Events
Did COVID-19 Impact Hiring Demand and Salaries for MBA and Business Master’s Graduates?
Thanks to participating schools, the GMAC 2020 Corporate Recruiters Survey (CRS) received responses from over 700 employers by mid-March. In the wake of COVID-19, GMAC is launching a follow-up survey in June to get a better picture of the hiring landscape for business school graduates. If your school did not participate in the February/March survey, the June opportunity is your chance to gain insights into the hiring and salary projections for the class of 2020, as well as the skills employers will be looking for in GME talent post-COVID.
Topics: Employment Outlook, Research Insights