There are many ways to learn and “sharpen the saw” these days: you can read blogs, listen to podcasts, and attend webinars, just to name a few. These opportunities are pretty convenient… So that begs the question why bother with the expense and time away to attend the GMAC Annual Conference 2018?
Topics: GMAC Events
A new research report explores prospective students’ preferences for program types, structures, and curriculums based on the 2018 Prospective Students Survey.
Topics: Prospective Students, Research Insights
Student Loan Debt and the Business School Pipeline
A new brief from GMAC Research explores how undergraduate student loan debt impacts candidate decision making and financing plans.
Topics: Research Insights, Financing
GMAC Research Chart of the Month: International Application Plans
Despite the disruptive effect of the current political climate, most business school candidates still intend to apply to programs outside their country of citizenship.
Topics: Research Insights
Keeping Pace: Insights and Strategies for the Future of US Part-Time MBA Programs
New GMAC Research white paper examines shifting candidate needs and highlights approaches some programs have taken to innovate.
Topics: Research Insights
Make it Happen: Multitask Smarter – Five Tips for the Busy Admissions Professional
Topics: Make it Happen
Clear Guidance on Financial Aid and Scholarships in an Unclear Business School Market
The MBA application process is a time of uncertainty for prospective students and schools alike. Students wonder “Will I be accepted?” and “How will I afford an MBA?” while schools are faced with questions such as “How do we attract the best and brightest to our program?” “To whom should we offer scholarships?” and “Will we meet our (sometimes ambitious) enrollment goals?”
Topics: Financing
Graduate Management Admission Council Acquires Online Publishing Company BusinessBecause
The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) has acquired the UK-based online publishing company BusinessBecause.
Topics: GMAC News
Starting on April 16, the exam will be shorter by 30 minutes to give candidates a more streamlined test-taking experience and help increase their confidence. The total test time on the updated exam will now be 3.5 hours instead of four hours, including breaks and instructions.
Topics: GMAC Assessments
GMAT® Geographic Trend Report and Data File Now Available to GMAT-Accepting Institutions
Graduate management education (GME) is more global than ever before. In today’s GME landscape, building an incoming class that reflects the future of global business leadership means proactively making recruitment inroads in both established and emerging candidate markets. This work depends on reliable market intelligence to maximize impact with limited travel and outreach budgets.
Topics: Research Insights