When it comes to making strong connections with prospective graduate management education students, GMAC Tours is one of the premier opportunities for business schools.
Amy Hughes

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6 Ways GMAC Tours Can Elevate Your Recruitment Strategy in 2024
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, MBA Program, graduate management education, GME, MBA
Study Shows the Benefits of Content Marketing for Business Schools
To drive intent and action among the candidates in your pipeline, content marketing with a trusted partner is a necessity in any marketer’s toolkit. A new study shows why.
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, MBA Program, graduate management education, GME, MBA
Research Insights on African American GME Candidates
Promoting diversity in business education is not without its challenges, particularly in the current sociopolitical climate. The ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have intensified imbalances among candidates, with one of the hardest-hit groups being Black professionals.
Topics: Research Insights, graduate business school candidate, graduate business school, MBA Program, business school, pandemic, graduate management education, MBA, business school admissions, candidate insights, candidate research, COVID-19, graduate school, research report, research brief, Graduate Management Admission Council, MBA candidate, COVID
Latin America is currently experiencing extreme levels of socioeconomic upheaval. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated change in the region, while the ongoing war in Ukraine also presents supply chain challenges.
Topics: Research Insights, graduate business school candidate, graduate business school, MBA Program, business school, diversity, graduate management education, GME, MBA, business school admissions, candidate insights, candidate research, graduate school, MBA candidate, education
What’s New with GMASS? Premium Candidate Insights and Best Practices for Recruitment
The GMASS Search Service™ (GMASS™) has gone from strength to strength in the last 12 months. 64,000 early-stage applicants have entered the system; 118,000 have completed profiles, and a further 62,000 have uploaded GMAT scores.
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, GMASS, Prospective Students, graduate business school candidate, graduate business school, business school, recruiting, GME, business school admissions, MBA candidate
In-Person Recruitment After COVID: What’s New And 5 Tips to Engage Candidates
After the pandemic forced business schools’ recruiting activities online in 2020 and 2021, in-person events have returned with a renewed focus. GMAC Tours’ summer and fall program saw over 4,000 candidates attend in-person events across 28 cities.
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, graduate business school candidate, graduate business school, MBA admissions, business school, pandemic, MBA Tour, recruiting, events, MBA, business school admissions, COVID-19, graduate school
The continent of Africa is home to more than 1 billion people, half of whom will be under 25 by 2050. This constitutes a 1.2-billion-person market for GME, which is facing challenges across numerous fronts, from the continuing fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic to supply chain issues caused by the war in Ukraine.
Topics: Prospective Students, Research Insights, graduate business school candidate, graduate business school, business school, diversity, candidate research
Research Insights for Recruiting Hispanic and Latinx Candidates in 2022
The Hispanic population of the United States is large and growing larger. The number of self-identifying Latinx citizens in the US topped 62 million in 2020, and Latinx students account for a staggering 15 percent of all bachelor’s degrees awarded.
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, Research Insights, graduate business school candidate, graduate business school, business school, diversity, recruiting, MBA, candidate research
3 Key Things to Know About Recruiting Non-Business Undergraduates
Diversity is a popular buzzword in MBA recruiting. From achieving gender parity to building an international cohort, business school experts agree that a diverse class is a strong one. To achieve this diversity, B-school marketers not only need to appeal to international applicants, but also to candidates with academic backgrounds beyond business and economics.
Topics: Prospective Students, Research Insights, graduate business school candidate, graduate business school, candidate research
Debunking Five Myths About Data Privacy For B-School Marketers
In the latest GMAC Connect webinar, Demystifying Privacy in Your Marketing and Advertising Campaigns, we broke down common misconceptions about data compliance and outlined the steps business schools can take to protect themselves and their users.
Topics: Recruitment & Marketing, graduate business school candidate, graduate business school, recruiting, marketing, advertising, User Privacy, Data Privacy, User Data