The report, “Indian Women Pursuing Graduate Management Degrees Domestically and Abroad – Insights and Inroads for Business Schools” is now out. It has important pointers on how business schools can bring down entry barriers for Indian women and offer them a level playing field in the GME arena, both at home and abroad.
Abhay Goghari

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Improving Indian Women’s Representation in GME Programs Domestically and Abroad
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New GMAC Report: GME Student Satisfaction Rose as Pandemic Restrictions Eased
The dominant narratives in every aspect of life today have a distinct demarcation – before and after the pandemic. The GME industry is no exception. This is reflected in the Enrolled Students Survey - 2022 Summary Report, which shows a more favorable response to GME across evaluation matrices as the pandemic recedes globally. Eighty-five percent of respondents rated the value of their GME degree between good and outstanding, compared with 82 percent in 2021. Participants’ response to student services is up from 80 percent in 2021 to 85 percent this year; the survey indicated a similar increase respondents’ satisfaction in career services, which grew over the past year from 74 percent to 84 percent. Elsewhere in the survey, 86 percent of the respondents from the GMAC member schools were employed at graduation, compared with 80 percent last year - indicating an improvement in the job market.
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