Before going to business school, prospective students engage with all sorts of information sources to research and pick the best-suited program for themselves. Whether they are undergraduates hoping to go straight into business school, or experienced professionals seeking to expand their management skills, prospective students research extensively to assess the program decision factors that matter most to them.
Nicki Rampino

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New Insights on Candidate Research and Decision Making
Topics: Prospective Students, Research Insights, graduate business school candidate, graduate business school, candidate insights, candidate research
Diversity of all forms adds to the richness of the business school classroom experience, exposing students to peers with perspectives and lived experiences that differ from their own. A facet of diversity that has been historically under-discussed within graduate management education (GME) is students with disabilities. For business school leaders, as well as admissions and recruitment professionals, gaining a deeper understanding of the experiences candidates with disabilities face in GME is essential to elevating your class diversity.
Topics: graduate business school candidate, diversity, GME, Disability Inclusion, Inclusion, MBA