The report series provides business schools with data to inform marketing and recruitment efforts.
Quantifying the size of global demand and staying ahead of market movements helps business schools maximize the effectiveness of their outreach. GMAC’s newly updated Profiles of GMAT Testing—a series of three assessment reports that summarize five years of global GMAT exam trends for testing years (TY) 2015 through 2019—offers schools an integrated view of key candidate demographic and score-sending data.
Specifically, the series of reports details the number of exams taken by candidate citizenship, residence, gender, and race/ethnicity (US citizens only); examinee mean age and mean total score; and GMAT score-sending breakdowns by program type (MBA, business master’s, and doctoral/other).
Available for download at, the Profile series includes the following three reports:
- Profile of GMAT Testing: Citizenship, TY2015-TY2019, featuring GMAT testing trends by candidate region and country of citizenship;
- Profile of GMAT Testing: Residence, TY2015-TY2019, featuring GMAT testing trends by candidate region and country of residence; and
- Profile of GMAT Testing: North America, TY2015-TY2019, presenting GMAT testing trends for US and Canadian residents by US region, US state, and Canadian province, and by race/ethnicity for US citizens.
School professionals can use the data from these reports to build detailed candidate profiles for specific countries or world regions, track student mobility based on program preference, and target outreach and recruitment strategies. Past profile reports can be accessed in the Research Library under assessment reports.