The GMAC Advisor Blog

Alumni Survey Surfaces Differences in Outcomes by Program Type

Written by GMAC Research | Jan 30, 2018 4:00:00 PM

Long gone are the days when the average business school offered only an MBA program, maybe in a full-time and part-time format. Today, the average business school program portfolio encompasses a wide array of program types designed for students at different stages of their career—ranging from pre-experience business master’s programs to executive MBA programs.

While the findings of the 2018 Alumni Perspectives Survey show that across all program types most alumni feel their graduate management education was a valuable experience, a close examination of the data reveals that different programs offer distinct value to their graduates.

As a part of the survey, alumni rated their graduate management education on a variety of career preparation outcomes. Examining the average ratings by alumni program type surface which specific outcomes alumni most agree their business school program delivered. For example, full-time MBA alumni express the most agreement that their education increased their earnings power. Professional MBA and executive MBA alumni express the most agreement that their education prepared them for leadership positions.

Alumni of quantitative business master’s programs—including Master of Accounting and Master of Finance programs—express the most agreement that their education prepared them for their chosen career, whereas alumni of non-quantitative business master’s programs—including Master in Management and Master in Marketing—express the most agreement that their education prepared them to work in cultural diverse organizations.

For more on the value of a graduate management education, download the new survey report available on Stay tuned for additional survey reports based on the 2018 Alumni Perspectives Survey, including reports focused on the topics of employment and international education.